25+ years of experience

Fast response times

Fair and honest quotes

Personalised services

Get a free quote for your lift repair needs, call us at 0208 544 4888 today!Contact us


Expert lift repair company

For over twenty-five years, Arrival Lifts has been the go-to source for lift repairs and maintenance across Surrey, Kent, and Greater London. Our team of highly trained and experienced engineers possesses the expertise to handle any lift issue, big or small. We take pride in offering comprehensive solutions, from swiftly diagnosing complex mechanical problems to expertly replacing worn-down components. Whether you require proactive maintenance plans to prevent breakdowns or emergency repairs to address unexpected issues, we have the expertise and experience you need. We understand the financial impact of lift repairs and deliver cost-effective solutions that ensure you can meet your site’s financial obligations.

Our client testimonials

Our clients are consistently impressed with the quality of both our work and our customer service. Take a look at their experiences and see for yourself the high standards you can expect when you choose Arrival Lifts.

Call our emergency lift engineers right away

Experience the difference of working with our professional team – client-focused services, expert repairs, and affordable solutions, all under one roof. Call 0208 544 4888, send an email to enquiries@arrivallifts.com, or fill out our contact form below.


Expert technical repairs

When your lift encounters problems, every minute of downtime costs you money and productivity. We understand the critical role your system plays and deliver comprehensive repair solutions to get you back on track quickly and efficiently. Our team boasts extensive technical expertise, covering all aspects of lift repair, from intricate mechanical components to complex electrical systems. This diverse skillset ensures we tackle any issue thrown our way, from minor cosmetic fixes to major component replacements.


Immediate response to emergencies

Lift emergencies demand swift action and our team understands the urgency of a malfunctioning lift and prioritises fast response times. We understand the intricate workings of all types of lifts and possess the technical know-how to restore them to optimal functionality. Our team can respond to calls in Greater London in two to four hours and also serves Kent and Surrey. Our fast responses minimise downtime and ensures your building’s accessibility is restored as soon as possible. Our engineers arrive equipped with a vast array of universal parts, enabling them to resolve most issues on the spot, often leading to immediate repairs and reduced downtime. For more complex situations, our team has access to our extensive parts network, guaranteeing a prompt resolution.

Proactive lift maintenance

While reactive repairs are often necessary, we believe prevention is key. We conduct regular maintenance inspections and generate meticulous condition reports for clients with service contracts. These reports identify potential issues with worn components before they escalate into major breakdowns, saving you time, money, and inconvenience. Additionally, our proactive approach includes providing ample notice for any recommended repairs, minimising disruption and ensuring your lift operates smoothly and safely.