25+ years of experience

Fast response times

Fair and honest quotes

Personalised services

Don’t wait for trouble – call us on 0208 544 4888 to get a free lift maintenance quote today!Contact us


Superior lift maintenance in the UK

Reduce the risk of downtime for your lift with proactive lift maintenance. We go beyond reactive repairs, focusing on preventative measures and personalised solutions to keep your lifts running flawlessly. Our service includes regular thorough inspections, precise adjustments, and detailed reports to ensure your lifts operate at peak efficiency. We understand your unique needs and tailor our solutions accordingly to ensure the best results possible. Choose Arrival Lifts and invest in long-term performance, reduced costs, and the peace of mind that comes with knowing your lifts are in expert hands.

Our client testimonials

Our clients are consistently impressed with the quality of both our work and our customer service. Take a look at their experiences and see for yourself the high standards you can expect when you choose Arrival Lifts.

Call our skilled lift engineers right away

Contact our team of experts today for a free quote and keep your lifts in top condition! Call 0208 544 4888, send an email to enquiries@arrivallifts.com or fill out our contact form below.


Preventive lift maintenance

Preventative maintenance is paramount in ensuring your lifts operate smoothly and reliably year-round. Our qualified engineers visit your site at pre-agreed intervals – from four to twelve times annually depending on your lift type and usage – to perform comprehensive inspections, adjustments, and lubrication. This proactive approach prevents minor issues from escalating into costly breakdowns, minimising downtime and maximising your lift’s lifespan. These regular checkups keep your lifts in peak condition and save you money in the long run.


Detailed service reports

Following each visit, you’ll receive a service report outlining our findings. This transparency ensures you stay informed about your lift’s health and empowers you to make informed decisions about future maintenance services. The report includes clear indications of what we have examined and the condition of each element. Using this information our engineers can use their expertise to recommend the next steps to take. We are always upfront, honest, and transparent about the condition of your lift to ensure that you are able to make the right choice for you.

Yearly condition reports and recommendations

Once a year, you’ll receive an in-depth condition report that provides a comprehensive overview of your lift’s health. This report goes beyond routine checks, providing detailed insights into potential concerns and recommendations for preventative measures or repairs. You can avoid costly breakdowns by proactively addressing potential issues and ensure your lifts operate safely and efficiently for years to come. Our team will provide you with all of the information you need to ensure your lifts continue working at their best for years to come.