Understanding Lift Maintenance Regulations in Surrey

Lift safety is vital and cannot be ignored under any circumstance. In a place like Surrey, where tall buildings are almost everywhere, and all of them have lifts, the maintenance regulations are serious and strict.

Across the UK and even in Surrey, the lift maintenance regulations are governed by Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998 (LOLER). These regulations mention the responsibility of lift owners and operators. This ensures the safety of their lifts and the people using them.

Are you looking for a reliable and law compliant lift service provider? End your search with Arrival Lifts Ltd. We can repair and maintain your old lift or remove your old one and install a new lift. We work in residential areas and corporate offices. Call us on 0208 544 4888 or send us an email at enquiries@arrivallifts.com.

“Having some issues with your lift? No need to worry; just contact Arrival Lifts, and they will solve all your lift problems.”

We conduct regular services and preventative maintenance to ensure everything is in good condition and the lift works reliably. If your lift has reached the end of its lifespan or you are constructing a new building, we install new systems and safely dispose of your old one.


The Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998 outlines specific rules and regulations for lift maintenance to ensure the safety and proper functioning of lifts. Here are some of the main regulations to be followed in the UK:

1. Regular Inspections

The lift must get a regular inspection by authorised personnel. The inspection should consist of a thorough checking of the mechanical, electrical, and safety systems. The inspection is crucial for identifying any potential threats or malfunctions that can compromise the safety of the lift and the users.

If any defect or problem is discovered during inspection, it should be promptly addressed and resolved.

2. Maintenance Contracts

Lift owners should have a proper maintenance contract with an authorised lift company. This contract is an agreement on timely maintenance by the company. It also specifies the frequency of visits, scope of work, and responsibilities and duties of both parties.

A maintenance contract helps ensure the lift’s longevity, reliability, and safety, reducing the risk of unexpected breakdowns.

3. Documentation

Lift owners must keep all records of maintenance, inspection, and repairs carried out on the lift. The records should include the date and nature of maintenance, the name of the approving authority and approving personnel, and a detailed report of the last repair and inspection. These are some important records to keep and maintain by the lift owner.

Accurate information is essential in tracking and holding accountability in case of an accident. Lift owners can also keep a check on the health of their lifts and can make informed decisions for their lifts.

4. Emergency Protocol

In case of lift failure or any accident, lift owners must establish an emergency procedure for responding. It should outline a clear protocol for contacting emergency services, calling necessary persons, and ensuring the safe evacuation of people.

The protocol should cater to emergencies like power outages, mechanical failures, or entrapments. The protocol should cover all steps, from calling an emergency personnel to coming out safely. Regular drills and simulations should be performed to ensure a well-coordinated evacuation.

5. Safety

The lift should have essential safety equipment and features to save passengers in case of any failure or accident. A lift should have safety features like an emergency stop button, door sensors, and an overloaded indicator system. The lift should have emergency lights and safety brakes for the safety of passengers.

Regular maintenance and inspection should ensure all the mentioned and necessary systems are working smoothly and ready to face any emergency. Regular inspection can also help reduce accidents by thoroughly checking lifts from inside and outside.

6. Certification

The lift should be certified as safe for use by UK Accreditation Service (UKAS). Certification involves a comprehensive assessment of safety features and other lift components; all of it should be up to the standard mentioned in the (LOLER) Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998 and British standards.

The lift owners are responsible for annually applying for this certification so that the lift can run smoothly on the premises. Such certifications give peace of mind to users and reduce the chances of any mishap.

7. Maintenance Personnel

Maintenance and repair work on the lift should be carried out by qualified and trained personnel. They should have proper qualifications and certification as they have to work with lifts and understand the importance of rules and regulations.

Good personnel are up to date with modern trends, rules, and new safety protocols. They also have knowledge of complex mechanisms, electrical systems, and hydraulic systems.


Lift maintenance regulations are designed by the government in a manner that it prioritizes the safety of the users. By following these rules and regular services can reduce the lift accidents, and both owner and user can feel safe while using it. Building trust and faith is very important for a smooth run for the government and business.

Hire professionals for maintenance.

How We Can Help

Whether it is a multistorey residential area or a high-rise corporate tower, our expert engineer can fix, install, and maintain your lift. We have over 25 years of experience, and we give all our customers a personalised experience with quick responses and transparent quotes.

We can help you with emergency call out services, Installation, Maintenance and Servicing, Modernisation, Repairs, Residential lifts, Commercial lifts, Passenger Lifts, Goods Lifts, Platform Lifts, Access lifts, and DDA.

Call 0208 544 4888 for professional lift services.

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